Welcome to A Traveling Teacher!

Tutoring and Homeschooling services tailored to building the confidence of students, while achieving the academic goals they set for themselves.

We’ll discuss your child’s educational needs, struggles, favorite learning style, and any questions you have for me!

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Meet the Team

Hi, I’m Peter Panopoulos!

My name is Peter Panopoulos, and I started A Traveling Teacher! In 2018, I finished my last year of full time teaching in the public school setting to travel the world on a motorcycle. While my journey was packed full of amazing, and sometimes scary, experiences, the one thing that remained constant was how much I missed working with children. Since this realization, I have returned full time to online education because of how much I enjoy it and the impact I can see it makes on the learners I work with. You can check out some of my posts below!


  • All Subjects Kindergarten - College

    Agriculture & Food Science

    Art & Architecture

    Biology & Life Sciences

    Business & Economics


    Communication & Mass Media

    Cultural & Area Studies





    Library & Information Science

    Literature & Language


    Music & Performing Arts





    Technology & Engineering

    Vocational Studies

  • To be honest, the academic portion of why we do this means very little, and we say this for a reason! Our number one concern is to make students feel confident and comfortable with the lessons they are trying to learn.

    We all have many years experience doing this, because we are all licensed teachers! Finding the social emotional core of a lesson, tying hobbies and likes into each problem, and setting students up for success is exactly what we care about most.

    Although the academic goals will always be reached (and that is a promise), they are secondary to our main reason of doing what we do: building overall confidence that transpires through all parts of life.

  • All learners obtain information differently, and it is up to us, as the teacher, to tailor each lesson in a way that satisfies all these different forms of thinking. We enjoy using many real-life examples for learners to see topics from different perspectives. Our goal is for learners to constantly question things and form their own understanding of them through investigation and guidance. Throughout all our combined years of experience using these methods, we have found learners become increasingly happier and more confident in their everyday lives. By being able to come up with solutions to problems, learners feel more relaxed and prepared to move forward in their instruction, while increasing their engagement and excitement about life.

  • If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

    Talk to Peter:


    (617) 294-6920


    I always enjoy speaking with parents and guardians about making learning fun. You can also schedule your Free 15 minute consultation with me to see if we will be a best fit for you or your child.