Greek School

Stay connected to your culture with teachers who do the same.

Make παππού and γιαγιά proud.

Stay Connected

Going back to your roots

Having personally gone to Greek school growing up gave me a completely different lens in life. Looking back, I am so glad my parents went out of their way to bring my brother and I each week, no matter how many “headaches” we had. It helped us be able to communicate with our family overseas, and create bonds with them we may have never been able to had we not gone to Greek school.

Back then, commuting to a physical location was something that was necessary to go to each lesson. Rain or shine, no matter the traffic, we took to the road to learn from teachers who truly loved teaching us.

What if there were a more convenient way?

Online Group Classes

Our world is getting busier and busier everyday. Thankfully, students can join their Greek school classes from the comfort of your own home while you get dinner ready or take care of other things around the house. Listening to your child working in groups with other students and learning is better than any music you could put on while you take care of things around the house.

Licensed Teachers

Not only are our teachers experienced public school teachers, they also have over 14 years experience teaching Greek school.

Meet one of our elementary teachers, Maria!

Maria loves traveling to Greece in the summers to see family, and watching students progress with their own Greek language as she once did growing up.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”

- Aristotle