Chemistry Tutoring

Understand the sciences like never before.

Understanding Chemistry

Molecular Structure? Say no more.

Struggling Scientists

Chemistry, like many sciences, can be difficult and abstract to concrete thinkers. This is due to the fact there is no solid answer for most things! Here at A Traveling Teacher, we focus on helping students understand the scientific method, while giving them real life examples of the concepts they are currently studying.

Students begin to struggle with their courses once they feel as though they are falling behind and cannot catch up. The gaps continue to grow, while their confidence begins to decline rapidly. We use our experience to not only fill gaps and increase confidence, but also ensure your student is on track in their current course. All of this is done in each session seamlessly.

Advanced Students

One of the worst things for a thriving student is for them to be bored when it comes to their science classes. Our group of experienced chemistry teachers will supplement more advanced problems for the concepts your student is working on, or even go into new territory if the student feels ready! These examples always include real life situations that are created based on your student’s hobbies and likes.


Looking for an all inclusive chemistry curriculum taught by an experienced teacher, for a rate much cheaper than the others? Look no further. Our team has acquired years of materials from their own teaching that they have created or found. All these materials are put together in a cohesive manner that follows a natural progression of learning science.

Chlorine is a deadly poison gas employed on European battlefields in World War I. Sodium is a corrosive metal which burns upon contact with water. Together they make a placid and unpoisonous material, table salt. Why each of these substances has the properties it does is a subject called chemistry.

- Carl Sagan